The bridge on The Fletton Loop

Now one of the most noticeable things on the Fletton Loop, if you ignore the odd sofa or washing machine is Botolph bridge,

Somebody has asked me more than once if the NVR built it. The answer of course is no, it goes back many years and although I don’t know when it was built I do have a copy of the maintenance record card for it from the second world war.

Here it is and as you can see it did not get much maintenance. It seems strange these days to see such a document filled in using a fountain pen and ink.

Maintenance card for Botolph Bridge

So if anybody has a date for it being built please drop us an email to the address on the right. Then I can add it to this post.

When the A605 was a more major road into Peterborough the bridge must have handled a fair amount of traffic. Just think if they had built a level crossing instead!!

Home from School for Christmas.

One thing thats often mentioned on the railway amongst members are the school specials between Oundle and Peterborough.

Here is a ticket from Christmas 1964, a return covering the Christmas period.

School special ticket Oundle School to Peterborough & return

Services running again

Well the railway restarted services today, though admittedly just a limited service.

But it’s nice to see visitors back at Wansford, even if in a controlled environment.

Thomas is running this weekend and next, and will no doubt be popular, but with pre booked services.

No chance of people passing up and down the A1 being able to stop, buy refreshments and then wander round the railway and hopefully decide to travel on one of the trains. Many people used to stop at stations as they were passing and buy something or perhaps grab a leaflet for a future visit.

This is very much on hold now, the days of full trains, big special events and gala days are but a memory at the moment, who knows if we will ever get back to what many look on as the good old days.

However, all is not lost. If you can’t visit the railway then follow it online with the Railcam webcams. These can be found at Here you will see a couple of free webcams at Wansford and one at Orton Mere. Plus others at both heritage and mainline locations. I have no connection with Railcam other than as a happy user. To access all cameras you need to join and cough up a bit of money, but many cams are yours for the viewing just by joining which costs nothing.

Hopefully later this weekend there will be a posting of the Wansford activities including some pictures. So as they say… Watch this space.

Every journey needs a first step.

I believe it’s the Irish who have the saying “Every journey needs a first step.” Well this is the first step for the Official Nene Valley Railway Blog. So welcome…..

The first thing you will notice is a lack of content, but after all this is just the first step.

As the weeks go by the blog will fill up with comments, stories and a bit of history of the NVR. Not just text but pictures as well.

So we are glad you’re here for the journey.

If you have any comments then click on the link at the bottom of the blog to send us comments, we will welcome them from members, working members and non-members alike. If you have any questions or comments then please contact us.

The content will be created and uploaded by a small group from the railway, we are not here to comment on events to come, that’s already done on places such as the offical web site. No, we are planning to look back and hopefully show you things you have not seen before covering the railway, memories and past events often through the eyes of the person writing the article.

So once again welcome, and let the journey commence.