Britannia 70000 to Visit the NVR

We are pleased to announce that 70000 Britannia will be visiting the NVR from the 11th to the 18th March.

This is one of the first of our visiting locomotives as we celebrate Rail 200 under the theme of Best of British.

The locomotive will undertake a Photographic Charter, Driving Courses, a full running weekend with an evening Jolly Fisherman “The Britannia”. All details are on our web pages.

Tornado is with us.

Well Tornado has arrived safely at the railway. On Friday it will be on driver experience, and at the weekend it is pulling public services.

Will be a good busy weekend, if you plan to visit then I hope you have a great time.

Currently it’s facing east towards Peterborough.

GBRf weekend.

This weekend sees a joint event with GBRf, full details are on the NVR web site.

The weather forecast is good and the railway will no doubt be busy. Its events like this that I miss being involved in, but still being confined to the house I can only watch on the webcams.

So if you do plan to attend the event have a great time a,n should you wish to send me pictures for the blog then they will be most welcome.

Please take a few minutes to look at the railways web site to see what other events are planned, I am sure you will find something of interest.

37714 has arrived

The diesel locomotive 37714 has arrived at Wansford and will be running for the next few days with photo charters and driver experience. It will be pulling services this weekend at our British Rail 1980s event. Image showing its arrival at Wansford around lunch time is © Paul Roe

Not much happening now until the Santa’s. Who are they kidding?

Well yet again I have heard comments that the railway is quiet at the moment until the Santa trains start at the end of November.

How wrong a statement that is!!

Let us take the coming week shall we.

Saturday starts with a steam driver experience day with 92 Squadron, an event that never ceases to be popular. There is still a big appeal in driving a steam locomotive.

Sunday brings us a running day with the Swedish Railcar, doing four runs each way. The railcar is popular with visitors, if only perhaps because of it being so unusual.

Monday to Friday brings something a little different. The crossing gates at Wansford are due to be replaced, and the new gates have been constructed in-house by some very skilled members.

Thursday brings us a private charter up the line,.Charters like this are popular with people who for a variety of reasons want their own train.

This brings us back to Saturday and another four each way railcar service.

So there you have it a week in the life of the railway heading towards Winter. So much for not a lot happening!!!

Right now Pacer yourselves

The Pacer finally made it up the line on driver training.

The Pacer at Peterborough Nene Valley. © Paul Roe.

Once fully in service it will be a great asset to the railway and I am sure very popular.

I look forward to seeing it in service very soon.

Southern Freight Driver Experience

Today sees another freight driver experience on the railway.

This time 92 Squadron is providing the pulling power.

Here it is running round over the bridge approaching Wansford station.

© Chris Walker.

Here we have the freight returning to Wansford crossing the River Nene.

© Chris Walker

Perfect day for playing trains though a bit on the hot side with the temperature here currently at 33.2c

Events like this are nice earners for the railway and enjoyable for those participating as well. No doubt a good day will be had by all.